Adventure Sports Team – Hurricane Irma

It’s one of those things you don’t see every day. A surreal image only possible in the aftermath of a massive storm. In a lighthearted moment, our group took this photo in our own backyard, behind our HQ. It shows how small we are in comparison to the power nature can bring forth. It also shows how resilient we are, and how we can overcome any challenge.

Hurricane Irma came and in only a few hours transformed our Florida landscape, toppling a multitude of trees, cutting power to millions, devastating the Florida Keys, Marco Island, and other locations through out the state. However, the area has already started to come back to life with a massive cleanup effort, restoration of power and an opportunity to rebuild stronger and better than before. Florida is a beautiful state with gorgeous beaches and amazing people. We will continue to be the destination for millions of tourist that come to relax and enjoy our Florida lifestyle.

A big “Thank You” to the meteorologist that gave us the updates/warnings needed to prepare.

We encourage everyone to donate to the Red Cross (

To donate blood Red Cross – Give Blood

To volunteer Red Cross – Volunteer

In times like these, we see how good humanity can be. Please stay safe, be kind, be patient, courteous and most of all, be generous with your time and money to help those in need.

Phone Apps that proved helpful during the storm;

Waze: Free Community-based GPS, Maps & Traffic Navigation App

GasBuddy app


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